Tuesday, November 30, 2010

happy girl

I just can't get enough of that smile!

dear santa

{Kate is going through a phase where she closes her eyes whenever I take her picture!}

If you can't read the chalkboard in the picture, Kate's letter to santa says:
Dear Santa,
i have been very good.
please bring me a red camaro for Christmas.
Love, Kate

Monday, November 29, 2010

the weekend

Breaking the wishbone.
Kate vs. Daddy

I hope her wish comes true!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Kate loves puzzles. She can do every puzzle we have all by herself in a matter of minutes!

Monday, November 22, 2010

the weekend

Kate started the weekend with pink eye and an ear infection. But, it cleared up after a few doses of anitbiotics and the sisters were able to spend some quality time together.

Friday, November 19, 2010

friday photos

This was my house yesterday. My skin was crawling everytime I looked around and saw stuff everywhere! If you know me, you know I CAN'T STAND CLUTTER! Thankfully, both girls napped at the same time and I was able to do the dishes, so I felt a bit better.

1. dirty dishes

2. clean dishes

3. more dirty dishes

4. baby (how did she get there?)

5. kate's pajamas

1. chief mess-maker

2. baby book, sewing book, puzzle

3. winter coat

4. empty cereal bowl

5. laptop and water bottle

6. Kate's play phone, placemat and half-used napkins

1. big box of diapers

2. kate's "things" (monkey, ducky, two favorite blankets)

3. sippy cup of milk

4. Nick Jr. is ALWAYS on the tv

5. puzzle pieces

6. kitchen toys

7. burp cloth

Maybe I will pick up this weekend....


Do you like the bigger pictures?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

weekly photo

week 11

They no longer pay attention when I say it is time for a picture!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

grocery list

Kate and Michael went to the grocery store last night. Kate requested the following items before they left:
1. popsicles

2. waffles

3. chicken

4. milk

5. pudding

6. cookies 'n cream ice cream

7. noodles

I can't believe candy wasn't on the list!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

the weekend

A few pictures from the weekend. Kate napping.

Liz napping

Hanging out together.

Painting pumpkins.

Friday, November 12, 2010

friday photos

Trying to get a picture of me and the girls. Kate running out of the shot.
Finally, Kate sat still!

Monday, November 8, 2010

new gloves

Kate got new gloves.
I think she likes them.

the weekend

Another monday....I didn't take many pictures this weekend. Between looking for my phone that I thought was lost (it was just hiding in my car), discovering that the washing machine has a leak (it is under control for the time being), Liz's constant poop explosions (how can someone so little poop so much?), and Kate being a 2-year old (she insisted on wearing a diaper for a bit on Saturday!), I didn't pick up the camera this weekend.

Friday, November 5, 2010

friday photos

Random photos from the week.
Sort of smiling!

Kate attempting to make a fort out of Liz's boopy and floor mat. Liz watches in dismay.

Watching Dora the Explorer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

week 9

Before this week's picture, here are the answers to yesterday's test.

Kate is Picture A; Liz is Picture B.

I can't believe it has been 9 weeks since Liz joined the world! Time is going so fast.

week 9

I think they are already tired of posing for yet another photo shoot.

Monday, November 1, 2010

a test

Picture A

Picture B

Liz or Kate? Can you tell them apart?

Check back tomorrow for the answer!

two months

Liz had her two month check-up yesterday. Here are her stats:

weight: 10 lbs 6 oz (40th percentile)

height: 23 inches (75th percentile)

head: 15 1/4 inches (50th percentile)

For comparison, here are Kate's stats from her two month check-up:

weight: 9 lbs (10th percentile)

height: 22 inches (40th percentile)

head: 14 3/4 inches (20th percentile)

Here is your math problem for the day: when will Liz supass Kate in weight and height?

the weekend: halloween edition

A few pictures from our trick-or-treating adventures!

Dora and Boots were quite restless and less than cooperative by the end of the night. However, as we were driving home, Dora (aka Kate) declared she was ready to trick-or-treat some more. She needed more candy!