Tuesday, April 26, 2011


More pictures from the weekend.
{I am loving Picnik's collage feature!}

Monday, April 25, 2011


We had a great Easter weekend. The highlight definitely had to be watching Kate hunt for Easter eggs. We hunted for eggs on Friday, on Saturday, and on Sunday. She found them as fast as we could hide them! Kate also enjoyed dying eggs. And, of course, everyone enjoyed the Easter candy! Liz was a good sport about posing for pictures and also enjoyed being outside while Kate found eggs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

just the same old stuff

We were on a bit of a blogging break last week. Daddy and the laptop went to Minnesota. We girls chilled at home. Nothing else too exciting to report at this time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Liz's first tooth popped through last night!!!! It is her bottom left front tooth.

Kate made the following observation: "Sometimes when I toot I stink".

{that is an exact quote}

Another interesting tidbit: Kate told me she dreams about spaghetti.

Monday, April 4, 2011

7 months

Liz turned 7 months on Friday and I almost forgot!

I try to plan ahead and do the monthly photo shoot the weekend before. I like to post the monthly photos on the exact date.

We had to do our photo shoot on Sunday, April 3rd, a few days late this month. Oh well!

Friday, April 1, 2011

weekly photo

week 30 - The girls cooperated this week, so I had more than one good photo!