Wednesday, August 24, 2011

a video

This is a long video, but it has its cute moments. This was the first time we gave Liz her own popsicle, usually she shares with Kate. Both girls started at the same time, but you will notice how quickly and efficiently Liz finished her popsicle. Kate, on the other hand, took her sweet time.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Liz is walking!
She has been taking one, two, or three steps for quite some time. Then, in the past two weeks, she started intentionally standing up on her own and walking towards things. The past few days, she is choosing to walk more and more and for longer distances. She still crawls and is as fast as ever, but I think her crawling days are numbered. I can tell she wants to run and move just as fast up on two legs as she can down on all fours.
Those are straws in her hands; one of her favorite toys right now. Maybe they help her balance!

Monday, August 15, 2011


legs forward, legs backward

legs forward, legs backward

Swinging is so much fun!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I naively thought that if I had daughters they wouldn't wrestle. I was wrong!
Right now Kate is slightly bigger than Liz, and she usually wins the wrestling match.
But, don't underestimate Liz. She is rough and holds her own.

Friday, August 5, 2011

making cookies

Kate and I made sugar cookies this past weekend.
Her face is evidence of the fact that her favorite part of making cookies is eating the dough and licking the frosting.
When we were all done Kate said, "Look at the mess you are going to have to clean up!"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

weekly photo

week 48

This is the more realistic picture. Liz does not like to sit still! Kate can barely hold her.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

11 months

Here are two pictures of Liz on her 11 month birthday. She is so close to walking! And, she is as happy as ever!