Monday, March 26, 2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear Kate,

You are 4 years-old today! How did that happen? You are not supposed to grow up so fast!

I can see that this is an exciting time for you. You are learning and growing and trying new things. You had your first swimming lesson last week. You were so brave; you went into the class all by yourself and you didn't cry or cling to me (what I would have done). You loved your class. I could see you smile from ear to ear with each new skill you learned.

You are still a picky eater. you always have been and probably always will be. You don't like vegetables and only a few fruits, but you can't seem to get enough meat. Your favorites are chicken nuggets, meatballs, fish sticks, and hot dogs! Of course, you LOVE candy. I think your favorites are fruit snacks, skittles, or M&Ms. You still won't touch milk, but you love yogurt. You also like cinnamon toast and pancakes.

Lately you can paint for hours and or be equally entertained with play-doh, puzzles, or legos. And, you always want to ride your bike to the park or Holmes Lake.

I see how much you love Liz. You often try to be a big a good sister and help her. You encourage her when she gets frustrated and you invite her to play with you. You are also daddy's little helper. You love to be his assistant when he is being a handy man. You pretend to build and fix your own make believe projects.

Being your mom isn't always easy. I worry that I am not keeping you stimulated and challenged; I want to help you grow. But, being your mom is a priviledge and I am honored and humbled that you call me mommy. Thank you for being my sweet Kate. Happy birthday!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

18 month stats

Here are Liz's stats from her recent 18 month check-up:
Weight: 22 lbs 8 oz - 25th percentile
Height: 33 inches - 75th percentile
Head: 19 inches - 75th percentile

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

puzzle time

Kate and Liz spent a lot of time working on puzzles this weekend.
Kate is working on the Cinderella portion of the Disney Princess puzzle and she is wearing her Disney Princess shirt. How appropriate!
Kate was a bit too helpful at times when it came to Liz's puzzles.
Liz was thrilled to be in a big chair, at the big table for puzzle time.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


These pictures were taken the weekend we went to MN. We took the girls to the Lego play place at the Mall of America.
Kate hoarded all the blue legos.

Liz dug right in!