Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Grandma Terri and Aunt Kerry bought matching Christmas outfits for the cousins.
Capturing a picture of these four was a workout!
Good grief!  Could these four be any cuter?
I couldn't help myself.  I had to add some mustache action.

Friday, November 23, 2012

wednesday afternoon

The girls were home with me on Wednesday afternoon.  Liz's nap was too short and she woke up crying.  Kate was struggling to be obedient.  Honestly, I was having a hard time too.  When two out of the three of us are crying, the situation usually goes downhill quickly.  In my desperation I offered baby oranges as a peace offering.  All our moods immediately improved.  Then, just for fun I put the camera on self timer to capture all the citrus induced silliness!