Tuesday, August 27, 2013

picking peaches

A few weekends back we went to the Kimmel Orchard in Nebraska City to pick peaches.

Kate was thrilled at the prospect of harvesting peaches.
She was very brave and climbed into tree after tree to find the best fruit.
Liz seemed content to stay on the ground and sample.

We came home with a bountiful harvest! The next few days Kate ate 2-3 peaches each day

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

kate's first day of kindergarten

Kate started kindergarten yesterday.  
I tried to take lots of pictures to capture the excitement as we prepared yesterday morning.
The minute we were out the front door, these two went into rolly polly mode. 
I decided to take Liz to daycare first, so just Kate and I could walk to school.  Also, Liz was having a hard time knowing she was going to be separated from Kate.  I am not sure I could have handled the parting of ways between the two of them if Liz had been at the school with us.  Liz was the most emotional one of all yesterday.  I forgot that Kate going to kindergarten would be a big change for little sister too.

As we walked, Kate told me she was most excited about art class and painting. 
Her lunch box might have been a bit heavy for her.
We arrived at school and waited outside for the bell to ring.
We went inside to the classroom and Kate found her cubby.
She happily sat down and waited patiently for circle time.
Circle time began with music and when the music started Kate's tears began. In an email to parents, the teacher told us to wait by the entrance during the song.  So, I held back and let the classroom helpers attend to Kate.
Overall, I think Kate did fantastic!  She cried a little when I picked her up, but the teacher assured me she was fine all day and only started up again when she saw me!
Congratulations, Kate, on finishing your first day of kindergarten!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

the kids' table

Family came over this weekend to celebrate Aunt Kerry's birthday.  In a moment of brilliance I decide to set up the kids' table in the entry way, which was far away from the adults.  

They could play, giggle, and eat in their own space.  And, the adults could carry on conversations without constant interruptions.

I think they liked eating at the kids' table.  I know I liked the arrangement!

Monday, August 12, 2013

rolly polly

Last week the girls and I did a few practice runs of walking to school. We live three short blocks from school.  I anticipated a fast and fun addition to our morning routine.  As most activities go with the girls, this one did not go as I had planned.  We were slowed down exponentially by rolly pollies.
Every few feet, one girl would stop abruptly because she found a rolly polly.  She would pick it up and carry it a few feet until she dropped it.
Sometimes they would have to stop and consult each other about the rolly polly.
With all the starting and stopping our first round trip took 25 minutes!