Tuesday, November 26, 2013

a clean plate

This is a picture of an empty plate.  Not just any empty plate, Kate's empty plate. And, it isn't empty because I dumped what was left in the trash.  No, this is a picture of a empty plate cleaned by Kate.  And notice that there is marinara sauce on the plate, which means Kate ate pasta that wasn't plain!  Yes, Kate ate pasta with marinara sauce and she ATE IT ALL! 
It wasn't a walk in the park getting her to eat it.  As you probably guessed she put up a fight to even try it.  After the first bite she acted like she had just put bleach in her mouth.  But, mommy and daddy kept at her.  She took her time and drank lots of water.  An hour later she was done.

Monday, November 25, 2013

weekly photo

I know its been awhile...

Here are weekly photos for October and November.







Good grief!  These two wear A LOT of pink and purple!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Myles and Analiese joined us on Halloween! 
Myles was Superman!
Analiese was Aurora.  So sweet.

Liz was Tangled.  When I asked her to smile and look happy, this is the look I got.

Kate was Cinderella.