Thursday, August 14, 2014

First day of 1st grade

The morning of the first day of school started with a bit of a shock; it was cold outside!

We dropped Liz off at daycare and then Kate and I walked to school.
Kate was mildly annoyed that we were walking. I lost track of the number of times she asked why we couldn't drive.

I was able to walk her in to her classroom where we found her cubby and got her situated at her desk.

I gave her a hug and kiss and left.  Curiosity got the best of me when I was only a few steps out of the room.  I turned around to sneak a peek to be sure she was okay.  When I saw she wasn't crying I had to take a picture!
After two days of first grade, it seems like we are off to a good start. However, Kate is already lamenting the fact that she has homework every night whereas, in kindergarten it was just once a week.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014

Two Rivers: Year 2

We headed out to Two Rivers State Park on the afternoon of the 4th. The girls were exhausted from a late night of fireworks the previous night.
 I was relieved when they both passed out as we were driving down 84th St.
 The first order of business was checking in, changing into swimsuits and ice cream cones!
 The Platte River was fuller than last, but not too deep or too strong for the girls.  
They LOVE splashing and wading. 
Kate was showing me her sand beard.  After swimming in the river the girls have sand everywhere.  I mean everywhere!  
Before dinner, the girls rode their bikes around the caboose park.  
Look, Kate is riding without training wheels!
 Grandpa Joe taught Liz how to roast marshmallows.
But, when it was time to try eat, Liz wasn't quite so sure.  Her eyebrows tell the story.

After dinner with grandpa and grandma, Kate, Michael and Grandma played Princess Bingo.
The first night in the caboose was rough.  It stormed and woke everyone up.  Then, Kate had the hardest time falling back to sleep due to the bug bites she got earlier in the evening.   It took us awhile to get into stride on day two.  We were all tired and itchy.  It was wet and overcast out.  Michael suggested we go to the outlet malls!  Retail therapy was exactly what the three girls needed! 

By the time we got back to the park, the sun was shinning and it was perfect swimming weather. 
 This year we tried out the small swimming lake.  Once the girls adjusted to the cool water, they had lots of fun digging holes and filling them with water.

 After spending time at the lake, we went over to the Platte River.  I don't have any pictures because we decided to wade to one of the sand bars and I didn't risk carrying the camera.  *Disclaimer -- it was never more than knee deep for the girls and the current was mild.*  
We had the sand bar all to ourselves. The girls ran wild and Michael and I soaked up the sun. It was a wonderful afternoon.

I am sure we will be back next year!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter weekend

We started the weekend with an Easter egg hunt with friends at daycare.

Friday night we dyed eggs with family.
Everyone looks so intense.  Dyeing eggs is serious business.
The kids didn't want to stop even though we ran out of hard boiled eggs.  
Grandma came to the rescue with egg shells!

The girls were so excited to wear their Easter dresses.  
I can't believe how grown up they look.
Me and my girls.  
Unfortunately, we failed to get any pictures as a family, but Michael was there too.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

dance recital costumes

Saturday morning was quite eventful for the girls; it was picture day at dance class. You may or may not be able to tell that I "styled" Kate's hair!  She is also wearing make-up.  Completing hair and make-up for both girls took this inexperienced mama 45 minutes!  However, the results were worth it.