Thursday, August 14, 2014

First day of 1st grade

The morning of the first day of school started with a bit of a shock; it was cold outside!

We dropped Liz off at daycare and then Kate and I walked to school.
Kate was mildly annoyed that we were walking. I lost track of the number of times she asked why we couldn't drive.

I was able to walk her in to her classroom where we found her cubby and got her situated at her desk.

I gave her a hug and kiss and left.  Curiosity got the best of me when I was only a few steps out of the room.  I turned around to sneak a peek to be sure she was okay.  When I saw she wasn't crying I had to take a picture!
After two days of first grade, it seems like we are off to a good start. However, Kate is already lamenting the fact that she has homework every night whereas, in kindergarten it was just once a week.

Thursday, August 7, 2014