Saturday, September 1, 2012

Look who's 2!

Happy birthday Liz!  Today you are two years old. 

You love to be held and cuddle and snuggle. You just want to be close to me. I find this so ironic because when you were an infant I was determine to “wear” you and always keep you close to me in a baby wrap.  But you never seemed comfortable or content to be so close. Now, though, it seems that all you want is to be in my arms.

You love your big sister.  You copy everything she does and try to boss her around.

You have a sparkle in your eye and it makes it so hard for me to be mad or stern with you.

You love to wear dresses and jackets. And are quite opinionated about getting dressed in the morning.

When you are happy, your face shines.  
There is nothing more beautiful than your happy face.

You also have your grumpy moments. You scream a lot! I guess this is a sign of your impatient and passionate nature. You are a girl who knows what she wants.

Watching you grow these last two years has been incredible.  
I am curious and nervous to see more of your personality develop.  
I am so thankful for you everyday.
You will always be my sweet pickle.  
Love, Mommy.

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