Tuesday, December 18, 2012

trimming the tree

We finally got a Christmas tree this weekend.
 To say both girls were excited to decorate the tree would be an understatement.

 Kate hung most of the ornaments.  Getting the hooks on the branches was a bit of a challenge for Liz.
When Liz found this rocking horse ornament she fell in love.  
She couldn't stop petting him and giving him kisses.
The tree isn't perfect and the ornaments aren't placed precisely, but I really do love this tree. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Grandma Terri and Aunt Kerry bought matching Christmas outfits for the cousins.
Capturing a picture of these four was a workout!
Good grief!  Could these four be any cuter?
I couldn't help myself.  I had to add some mustache action.

Friday, November 23, 2012

wednesday afternoon

The girls were home with me on Wednesday afternoon.  Liz's nap was too short and she woke up crying.  Kate was struggling to be obedient.  Honestly, I was having a hard time too.  When two out of the three of us are crying, the situation usually goes downhill quickly.  In my desperation I offered baby oranges as a peace offering.  All our moods immediately improved.  Then, just for fun I put the camera on self timer to capture all the citrus induced silliness! 

Friday, October 26, 2012


Here are some recent pictures from my Instagram photo stream.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

it feels like a hot tub

Because it was unseasonably warm on Sunday, Michael filled the pool for the girls.
At one point, Kate said it felt like she was in a hot tub!
They get some pretty good speed going down the rhino slide!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

flip flops

it is cold now.  too cold for bare feet in flip flops. 
but, the girls love their flip flops.
i tried hiding the flip flops, hoping they would be "out of sight.  out of mind".  that didn't work! they found them.
i couldn't even get a picture of the flip flops without these two hovering.
i wanted a picture so i could remember their little feet and the summer of 2012 when they wore flips flops non-stop.
i hid the flip flops again and we are slowly transitioning to socks and closed toe shoes.  change is hard. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

look alike

You know how they say everyone has a twin?  

I think our Liz could be a stand in for orphan Annie.

 Goodness knows she is dramatic enough.

 Good grief, she is cute!

Monday, October 8, 2012

open wide

Daddy and Liz went on a lunch date last weekend and Liz had her first hamburger.

I think she liked it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Liz climbed out of her crib twice this past weekend.  Daddy decided it was time to transition the crib.  
And, yes, Liz sleeps with all the items you see in the background.  The full list includes: one blanket, one mini blanket, a pillow pet, a large dog, her "dinosaur", a miniature cow, a pink cat, and a pink bear.  For a while a bunny was also in the mix, but lately bunny is on the floor in the morning.  I can't even imagine what bunny did to get evicted.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Here are some of my recent favorites from Instagram.
Cousins and cupcakes

Painting with a new set of watercolors

Liz drew on herself with black pen.

Kate doing yoga.

Liz in a diaper box.