Monday, May 28, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

her furrowed brow

Liz's eyebrows are so expressive.  I wish I knew what they were saying!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

the trip - day 5

On day 5 we were so close and yet so far from home.  We traveled from Sioux Falls, SD to home.  Here are the stats:
# of times Liz threw up: 0, but mommy spent a good half hour massaging Liz's legs, which helped ease her carsickness.  Note: it is not easy to give a massage when you are in the front seat and your child is in the backseat.
# of stops: 2.  A very long stop at the mall in Sioux City, IA for playtime and lunch and a potty and snack break at Gretna, NE.  Yes, we were 30 minutes from home and someone needed to pee!  Of course, we can't make any stops without getting snacks too.
Total trip time: 5.5 hours

Playing at the Sioux City mall.

In conclusion:
- staying in hotels 4 nights:  pricey
- paying for gas to travel across 3 states: minimal (I love you Prius V)
- buying candy and snacks at every stop even though mommy has numerous healthy snack options in the car: astronomical
- seeing the excitement in your child's eyes when she gets to swim everyday and sometimes twice in one day: priceless
- seeing your daughters and niece successfully complete their flower girl assignment: priceless
- witnessing Uncle Gabe get married: priceless