Monday, April 29, 2013

self portrait

Kate took these self portraits all on her own.
After much frustration, she figured out that she could place the camera on the ottoman and she could just barely reach the shutter button.

I think she did a pretty good job!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

my little collectors

On a night when Michael and the girls were out of the house, I took the opportunity to snoop in their rooms.  I specifically wanted to document what was happening on their night stands.
Kate's night stand has become almost like a museum collection.
She is very specific about the arrangement.
I have seen her fiddle with the placements.  Great thought, effort and energy goes into the display.
Every item was placed in a specific spot for a specific reason.

This is the drawer of the night stand.  Kate lined up the pencils all on her own.
Liz is not quite as organized and precise.  The items on her night stand are a bit more haphazard in their placements.
It looks as though items are tossed and wherever they land is fine.

I don't want to get too analytical, but I think the items on each girl's night stand and the placements say a lot about their personalities. I wonder what their rooms and night stands will look like in 15 years?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

weekly photo

 Liz was keeping a secret.
And, it didn't take long for Kate to figure out what it was.  
I am not sure if we will ever be able to convince Liz to use the potty.  But, we perservered and managed to get a good weekly photo.
week 136

Monday, April 1, 2013

5 year stats

Kate's kindergarten physical was last week.  Here are her stats:
Weight: 33lbs 5oz - 10th percentile
Height: 3' 5 3/4" - 45th percentile
BMI: 13.51 - 5th percentile

Kate also got three shots at the appointment, which we were not prepared for.  Kate handled the first shot fairly well.  By the second poke, she was full on screaming.  The doctor ran back into the room to help us calm her down.  My ears are still ringing from the shrillness of her cries.