Monday, July 20, 2015

Two Rivers 2015

July is here again, which in addition to the 4th of July, means it is time for our annual trip to Two Rivers State Park.  As has become tradition, we stayed in caboose #5 (sorry no picture!). 
Also, a tradition is a visit from Grandpa Joe and Grandma Betty.  We were extra thankful they came because this year we forgot a lot of necessities.  Driving out we realized we forgot matches and the girls' toothbrushes.  When it was time to cook dinner, we also discovered we forgot the hotdogs and charcoal.  Grandpa Joe put his Boy Scout skills to good use and they managed to make fire!  And, Grandpa and Grandma shared their hotdogs with us.

The bike ride through the grass was not as easy for Liz, who had her scooter.  I asked if she was having a hard time walking her scooter.  To which she replied, "Mom, you don't walk a scooter; you walk a dog.  I'm pulling my scooter!" 

After dinner we played a rousing game of UNO. 
Saturday morning we went for a walk before heading to the water. Liz and Michael managed a faster pace than Kate and I.
Kate was not feeling the walk and a meltdown ensued.   
I have to be honest, our time at Two Rivers involved a fair amount of rough moments.  There is lots of screaming and dramatic reactions to bugs.  Invariably the suggestion that we eat anything other than candy and chips causes great debate.  And, any moment we are not at or in the water, the girls are bored.
Thankfully, another set of visitors joined us on Saturday. 
Grandma Terri and Grandpa Phil spent the morning and lunch with us.  We waded in the water and ate a picnic lunch on the beach.
Saturday afternoon was spent playing in the sand and water. 
Per usual, we all waded out to the sand bars too!  (No pictures of that; it is safer to leave the camera on shore.)
A favorite this year was being buried in the sand.
Before leaving Sunday morning, we visited a couple camping with their horses.  I believe this was Tuffy.  Tuffy and his owners were very gracious to let us hang around and ask questions.
Thank you for another year of memories, Two Rivers.  We will see you in 2016!

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